KONY 2012
KONY 2012 is a half-hour documentary, talked about invisible children. This video like a viral media to reach a global audience. It's based on Joseph Kony - a warlord in Uganda responsible for the enslavement of more than 30,000 children. In this video, we see a number of children living unfair. This is appeal to emotion, and audiences will easy to moved by these children in the video.
The video maker is Jason Russell, and he first met Jacob, who is one of the invisible children, when he visited Uganda in 2003. He promising to bring an end to Jacob 's suffering, and he try to co-founded Invisible Children as a not-for-profit organisation worked with "advocacy and inspiring America’s youth to 'do more than just watch'." He also talk about his son in this video, because he want use a refutation to make a contrast between his son and invisible children. Then audiences will realize how difficult invisible children living in the bad situation.
hi man how can you post the video